Monday 19 August 2013

News about Breast Cancer!!!
Breast Cancer: Malignant tissues that develop from the breast cells 

Breast cancer is very common disease found in women; men can also get breast cancer. Developing from breast cells, it's a kind of tumor that has become malignant. Malignant tumor is a batch of cancer cells which group into surrounding tissues and advance to the other part of the body.

The first symptoms of breast cancer is very common, it’s when a women feels a lump that is unique from the rest of the breast tissues. Other warning of breast cancer apart from the lump, is when one breast becomes lower or large from the other breast, nipple becoming inverted or changing shape or position. Rash around the nipple and discharge from nipple is another warning. Pain which is very frequent in part of the breast and armpit is a other wakening alarm, swelling around the collarbone and beneath the armpit must not be neglected. 
Mammotherapy is one of the most frequent used technic to detect this disease.

Nobody has really found out the cause of breast cancer, but recent study in UK has found out hormonal factors. Women taking birth control pills having children in the late age is the cause of the pain. Many breast cancer is also because of hormones, it is also genetic and age plays a big role, mostly breast cancer has been diagnosed in older women ( over 50). It is also caused because of the changes in the DNA that causes normal breast cells to turn into cancer cells, DNA changes can happen in single breast also. Unhealthy eating habits play a big roll too and the kind of lifestyle we live in this modern age.

Depending on the stage of the breast cancer.
There are many different treatments for breast cancer available.
There is targeted therapy, hormone therapy, 
Chemo therapy, radiation therapy and surgery. 

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