Thursday 22 August 2013

First prequalified medicine to treat a neglected tropical disease

Boy ingesting DEC tablet as part of a large-scale lymphatic filariasis treatment campaign in Bangladesh.
21 August 2013 -- The Prequalification of Medicines Programme has cleared the way for a medicine to treat lymphatic filariasis (also known as elephantiasis). This prequalification is the first for a neglected tropical disease and opens the way for 100 mg tablets of diethylcarbamazine (DEC) to be used in large-scale preventive treatment campaigns.
Disease outbreak news

Disease outbreak news

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Emergencies and disasters

Emergencies and disasters

Humanitarian health action

Director-General Dr Margaret Chan


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WHO guidelines

WHO guidelines

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WHO reform

Addressing public health challenges in the 21st century

WHO highlights

  • August 2013

    Video: The many paths towards universal health coverage

    Universal health coverage ensures that all people get the health services they need without suffering financial hardship. This video explains the concept of universal coverage and uses examples from six countriesto show ways that all countries can provide accessible and affordable care for their people.
  • August 2013

    Pakistan monsoon floods

    Heavy monsoon rains since 1 August have claimed over 60 lives across Pakistan, displaced thousands and damaged crops, houses and infrastructure. WHO is collecting information on the status of the health facilities in-terms of damages and functionalities.

WHO campaigns

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